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Young GREENtrepreneurs

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Young GREENtrepreneurs

36 мин.  · 

♻️ 🍀 🌱 Young GREENtrepreneurs. 🌱 🍀 ♻️
Ref. No.2021-1-HU01-KA220-YOU-000029114
Another monthly online meeting took place under the leadership of KDRIÜ – the coordinator of the project
The consortium members discussed the following issues:
📌 PR1: GreenHUB design and content-related issues 💻📲💡
📌 PR1: Young GREENtrepreneurs -Youth Didactic Adaptation📚
📌 PR2: tasks, repsonsibilities, next steps🗒
📌 financial report (tasks, rules)📝
📌 preparation of the second TPM👥👥

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